Welcome to Gujarati Samaj Finland -  Every Gujarati’s Home in Finland!
Gujarati Samaj Finland ry is a registered association registered in Finland. We are the thriving community of vibrant Gujaratis who have come together to celebrate our language, culture, tradition, food, festivals, and experiences. 
Established in 2017, Gujarati Samaj provides a link to every Gujarati who longs to connect with Gujarati Culture and History. 


All those who have roots in Gujarati and have come to call Finland their home are the reason why we have come together. Celebration comes naturally to everyone who is even remotely connected to Gujarat - either directly or through previous generations! 
In Finland, days often feel longer (and sometimes nights too!). Gujarati Samaj is established to create a platform where fellow Gujaratis can connect with each other, share their stories and pass the cultural heritage to the next generations. 
Keeping the spirit of vibrant Gujarat alive in the Gujaratis who are far from their home is the motivation that keeps us going!
Everyone is welcome to join Gujarati Samaj! We welcome you to join the shared experience of Gujarati culture.